Summer Reading

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Meet the Worker Bees


Cherie McNellis

Therese Zizak

Lisa McLaughlin


Christine Brady Anna Annand-Henry

Brianna Henderson Diebra Newman

Kristina Jakubowski Lisa Terlingo

Jennifer McClellan Christine Smialowski

Pam Niglio Jessica Holland

1st Grade

Shelly Chester

Brittany Green

JoAnne McCarty

Chelsea Rohner

Blake Zetusky

2nd Grade

Alycia Colucci

Debra Costello

Roberta Ignaszewski

Rosemary Lang

Amy Phillips

Basic Skills

Francine Bechtel Lisa Kappel

Gwen Klaus Amy Conahan

Patricia Marsh

Kristina Miller

Special Education

Kim Brach

Christie Cochran

Lauren Huver

Jordan Daminger

Linda Maylin Ayala

Lesley Rybacki

Diane Geissler

Christa Timpano

Patricia McHugh

Nancy Scully

Special Areas

Amanda Brown

Carl Ellinwood

Jillian Long

Tricia Martel

Nicole Szymanski

Kristina Filacheck

Haviland Main Offices

Christine Fox Kasilowski

Maria McCutcheon

Ann Rossi-Alston

Melissa Chisholm

Barbie Ledyard Principal

Related Service Providers

Ilana Ablon

Jenna Casey

Tric Bevelheimer

Palak Arora

Summer Reading Suggestions

Summer reading activities to do with your young learner:

  • Visit the local library together to choose a variety of books that pique their interest. Encourage them to explore different genres, from fantasy to science fiction, and even non-fiction topics like animals or space. Create a cozy reading nook at home with comfy pillows and good lighting where they can dive into their new books.
  • Organize a family book club where each member reads the same book and then comes together to discuss their favorite parts, characters, and plot twists. This not only enhances their comprehension skills but also makes reading a shared experience.
  • Incorporate creative activities like drawing scenes from the book, acting out favorite chapters, or writing an alternative ending. These activities can help deepen their engagement and understanding of the story.
  • Set up a summer reading challenge with a fun reward system. For every book they finish, they could earn a sticker or a small prize. This can motivate them to keep reading and help them set personal goals.
  • Lastly, take advantage of outdoor reading opportunities. Pack a picnic and head to the park, beach, or even your backyard. Reading outside in a new environment can make the experience feel like an adventure.
  • By integrating these activities, you can foster a love of reading in your young learner that will last a lifetime.